
Riches are in the niches – Small Business Blunders vol. 10
One thing that I see a lot of small businesses fail to do is to find their niche. There's an old saying out there that says "The riches are in the niches," and I completely believe that's true. That doesn't mean that you niche down so tightly that you only focus on one customer, that you only take care of one particular type of customer, but it means that you should be directed towards that customer primarily, so think the 80/20 rule.

Mike Tash, Serial Entrepreneur
Mike Tash owns several businesses including a Point of Sale company, a promotional products business, and a successful blues band. Mike and I talk about his “serial entrepreneurship” and some of the things he has done to be successful. Spoilers -- There are no secrets to his success other than doing the basics and doing them really well!

Brand Therapy with Stacy Husk
Stacy has a long history of brand strategy in the corporate space and is now helping small businesses find and communicate their brand. In this interview we discuss what exactly a brand is, how it can benefit your business, and some first steps you can take to identify your brand voice.

Why Your Business Website Needs Video Content
Search engine optimization is far trickier than it was only a few years ago when web developers and DIY-minded business owners would incorporate keywords into website copy, stuff graphics with metadata, and enter their URLs into form fields on major search engine “tools” pages. But in this new age, video content is a significant marketing strategy businesses […]

Branding, it’s More Than Just a Logo–it’s a Story
Many people tend to think branding is developing a logo, and while this is one component of your brand, it is not the essence. Creating a memorable brand is similar to creating a memorable story. It’s not only the images associated with pictures but the story that goes with it. Every brand tells a story. […]

The Power of Polished Personal Branding
Thanks to the internet, we all need to have a polished professional look that presents the world with a representation of who we are and how we do business.