
The Pros and Cons of “Design by Committee”
There’s an old saying that goes: “Too many cooks spoil the soup.” The idea is that when too many people are directly involved in the creative process, the final product could end up being a disappointment to everyone. Some web and graphic designers have similar feelings about “design by committee.” This term refers to a […]

A web project that really Hertz
A few weeks ago, news broke of the rental car company, Hertz, suing their contracted web developer, Accenture, for $32M. Hertz claimed, among other things, that Accenture: Never delivered a functional website or a mobile website at all Postponed the go-live date twice, totaling over 16 months of delays Did not deliver on key project […]

Creating Blog Content Using a Calendar
When you invest time in creating content for a blog, you should target your efforts towards specific writing goals. It’s less about achieving your total word count and more about being purposeful when writing. With a blog calendar, you can use the blog as a powerful storytelling medium, sharing regular posts with readers to reinforce […]

Manny Cosme shows us the fun side of accounting!
Today's guest is Manny Cosme, Manny is the president and CEO of CFO Services Group, a boutique accounting firm specializing in helping small businesses manage their finances. He's been helping small businesses with their accounting needs for over 20 years.

Outsourcing is not a dirty word – Small Business Blunders vol. 9
Today I'm going to talk about trying to do it all yourself. As a small business owner, this seems to be a problem that most people face. They either try to take on every task themselves or they refuse to delegate.

Document your processes – Small Business Blunders vol. 8
I see too many businesses out there of all shapes and sizes that don't have documented processes. The problem is, that makes it so that whatever you're doing, isn't quite as repeatable as it could be.

Websites, SEO, Marketing, and Automation | An allegory of an analogy business
Meet Henry Henry has a business that sells absurd analogies If you are here, you probably have or are starting a business too!

Calendar Hell – Small Business Blunders, vol. 4
Managing a calendar is something that I see all businesses struggle with, but in particular, I see professional services businesses struggle with this because they rely on meeting with people. The great thing is, with a little bit of technology, your calendar problems can be a thing of the past.

Fear, Anxiety, and Inspiration with Melanie Anderson
This week's guest is a very good friend of mine, Melanie Anderson. Melanie is a photographer, public speaker, coach, mentor, and all-around incredible person. In this podcast, Melanie and I talk about everything from value-based pricing, overcoming your fears, and having a great team to support you. I always walk away with a ton of knowledge every time I talk wither her, so I hope you find this as valuable as I do.

Attribution Theory in Business and Children with Amy Kines
Amy Kines from Ready Aim Teach discusses attribution theory and it’s application to everything from employees to schoolchildren…