
Peak Performance Digital: Agency Introduction (November 2022 Update)
This video presents information about my company, Peak Performance Digital. I cover the basics of who we are, what we do, how we operate, and what you can expect when working with us. This video is for companies who might want to hire us to work for them, or agencies who are looking for a white label partner.

A Peak Performance Digital 2021 Retrospective
While 2022 will be an exciting year for us, here’s a quick look at some of the most significant updates from 2021:

5 Stars or Bust: Why the Star Rating System for Reviews is Broken
For years, the star rating system has been a staple of online reviews. From Amazon to Google to Facebook to Yelp, those pesky stars are everywhere. Don’t forget about the review’s ever-present counterpart: the hordes of business owners imploring you, the customer, to leave feedback. As a concept, it makes a lot of sense. A […]

4 Drip Campaigns Designed for B2B Customers Who Are on the Fence
Drip campaigns are one of the single most useful conversion tools an automated marketing team has in their toolbox. A drip campaign is usually designed to help guide a new lead down the path toward conversion by offering them a custom beginning-to-end email sequence, delivered just periodically enough to keep them engaged. Drip-campaigns maintain connection […]

Combine digital and traditional marketing for the best results
When you’re building a marketing strategy, including digital components is important. Establishing an active social media presence is critical for any business trying to make it in 2019. But digital isn’t the be-all, end-all. You have to treat digital marketing as a tool in your marketing toolbox rather than the only weapon at your disposal. […]

Why Email Subject Lines Matter
Your subject lines are the first interaction most customers have with the content you've created, so you must make the most of them.

A web project that really Hertz
A few weeks ago, news broke of the rental car company, Hertz, suing their contracted web developer, Accenture, for $32M. Hertz claimed, among other things, that Accenture: Never delivered a functional website or a mobile website at all Postponed the go-live date twice, totaling over 16 months of delays Did not deliver on key project […]

Creating Blog Content Using a Calendar
When you invest time in creating content for a blog, you should target your efforts towards specific writing goals. It’s less about achieving your total word count and more about being purposeful when writing. With a blog calendar, you can use the blog as a powerful storytelling medium, sharing regular posts with readers to reinforce […]

How User-Generated Content Can Benefit Your Business
By not taking advantage of user-generated content, you're passing by critical opportunities that allow unpaid customers to endorse your products/services.

Create an Effective Landing Page for More Conversions
Effective website design isn't easy! Here are the considerations you need to make when creating that elusive perfect landing page for your website.

Cost vs. Value: The problem with the Hourly Rate
One of my most frequently asked questions is “how much do you charge per hour?” My response, that I work on a per-project or retainer basis, is usually met with skepticism. I have spent most of my career in and around law firms where the billable hour is king, and many people habitually tie the […]

Your Website Alone Isn’t Enough
Why Different Channels are Important Many clients come to me looking for help with a new or existing website. They know what it can accomplish for them–and they know that it’s not working! The truth is, though, a website alone isn’t going to accomplish those major marketing goals. If you really want to see progress […]