
You (probably) aren’t an accountant – Small Business Blunders vol. 6
Hi. My name is Adam with Adam Lowe Creative. I help small businesses just like yours overcome the challenges and obstacles that we all face. Last week, I talked about accounting software and how a lot of small businesses don’t have anything there. This week, I’m going to look at the other side of that […]

Websites, SEO, Marketing, and Automation | An allegory of an analogy business
Meet Henry Henry has a business that sells absurd analogies If you are here, you probably have or are starting a business too!

Before you lease a commercial space, with Paul Remson
In this episode, we have Paul Remson from Strategic Realty Advisors. Paul is a commercial real estate tenant broker who helps businesses find new office space, renegotiate commercial leases, or move their offices. If you have ever considered leasing office, commercial, or warehouse space you’ll definitely want to listen to this podcast before you take your next steps.

Invest In accounting software – Small Business Blunders vol. 5
I see small businesses, even medium-sized businesses doing all of their accounting inside of Excel, or using something like Quicken. They're just using the wrong tools for the job.

The Riches Are in the Niches: Why Specialization Works Now
Today, having a niche is key to market the identity of your business. Here are three reasons why people buy products with specific marketing.

Calendar Hell – Small Business Blunders, vol. 4
Managing a calendar is something that I see all businesses struggle with, but in particular, I see professional services businesses struggle with this because they rely on meeting with people. The great thing is, with a little bit of technology, your calendar problems can be a thing of the past.

Brand Therapy with Stacy Husk
Stacy has a long history of brand strategy in the corporate space and is now helping small businesses find and communicate their brand. In this interview we discuss what exactly a brand is, how it can benefit your business, and some first steps you can take to identify your brand voice.

Spend Money to Make Money – Small Business Blunders, vol. 3
Hi. My name is Adam, with Adam Lowe Creative. I help small businesses overcome the challenges that we all face. Today, I want to talk a little bit about marketing. One of the challenges that I see or one of the mistakes rather that I see a lot of small businesses make is that they […]

Email Marketing: It’s Not Dead Yet!
Why is email marketing one of the best strategies businesses still use today? Despite the rise of social media marketing and advertising, email campaigns are not dead yet. Personalized communication with customers is just one of the top benefits of email marketing.

Your Website Sucks – Small Business Blunders, vol. 2
Something that I see over and over again is small businesses that have absolutely terrible websites or websites that look like everybody else's. So here's the deal, your website is your digital online presence. It represents you, it represents your company.

Fear, Anxiety, and Inspiration with Melanie Anderson
This week's guest is a very good friend of mine, Melanie Anderson. Melanie is a photographer, public speaker, coach, mentor, and all-around incredible person. In this podcast, Melanie and I talk about everything from value-based pricing, overcoming your fears, and having a great team to support you. I always walk away with a ton of knowledge every time I talk wither her, so I hope you find this as valuable as I do.

Generic Email Domain – Small Business Blunders vol. 1
This is the first of a series of “small business mistakes” videos. Here, I discuss the problems with not using a custom domain name for your email. Hi, my name’s Adam Lowe with Adam Lowe Creative. One of the things that I do is I help small businesses overcome the challenges that we all face. […]